Second Star to the Right...

Sophomore Year! 2004 - 2005
About Me
The Quotes
Friends' Pictures
Family Pictures
Wonderful Thoughts
You Can Fly!

Just another year at R-dubs...


-=The following red quotes were compiled while watching Game 1 of the World Series at my house with Monique and Nicole=-


Monique: "Pokey!  Do a dance for me!"

Nicole: "Do the hokey pokey, Pokey!"


Monique: (About Johnny Damon) "Aw!  He's a cute runner!"


*After Orlando got hit by the pitch*

Monique: "That's why I'm afraid of balls!"


*Talking about the lameness of the Cardinal*

Nicole: "It's like the kitty team!  Hey!!  We're the KITTIES!"


Monique: (On JD) "He reminds me of Johnny Depp."

Me: "What?!?!?!!?"

Monique: "Like... in his mysteriousness."


*About dimples*

Nicole: "They like take up my whole face... they're like a VORTEX!"


Me: (eating chili) "You probably wouldn't like this Nicole--it has a lot of beans."

Nicole: "Ohh, it's all about the beans."

Monique & Nicole: "Ohhhh the BEAN dip!"

Me: "Who said that?"

Monique & Nicole: "You!"

Me: "Ohhh!"  (runs off)

Nicole: "OH!  She's gonna snort BEANS!"


Nicole: "I'm laughing because I'm confused!"


Robyn: "Kirsten sounds like a horn sometimes."


*After seeing a 'That 70s Show' commerical with Laura Prepon*

Monique: "Oh my God, why is her hair YELLOW?!?!"


*In research methods, talking about a study where some clergymen surveyed the adults in their town to see if there was a correlation between religiousity and pornography*

Dr. Z: "Obviously they found no correlation, no one's going to look a priest in the face and say, 'Hey Rev, Debby Does Dallas is a great movie.'"


*Walking back to Stonewall from dinner, talk about leather jackets and gloves*

Me: “My mom  has a pair of leather gloves she’s had forever… one time, she thought she lost one and she was FLIPPING out… she almost cried.  I mean, they fit her like a glove, they were perfect.”

Eva: “Kirsten… they are gloves.”


*At chorus*

Joan: (Talking about Latin pronunciations) “Latin makes so much more sense… a is ah.. etc.   I don’t know HOW anyone learns English; a can be father, a can be… FISH!”
