Second Star to the Right...

About Me
The Quotes
Friends' Pictures
Family Pictures
Wonderful Thoughts
You Can Fly!
So old, but still oh-so-priceless... and so the erraticies have remained unchanged...

The Swayze - noun  1. A dance movement involving hip circles, arm flailing, bent knees, and laughing.  Very dangerous for those without previous Swayze experience, for those who have not exercized for a long stretch of time or for anyone within a foot of those performing it.  2. Contagious dance that cures everything and anything. 

Click here to see The Swayze in full action and its effects on others!

"When I was little I used to think that song went 'hold me closer, Tony Danza!'" ~Lauren F.

"Sometimes we must go through darkness, in order to see the light." -Michael Cuccione, "Visualize"

Come to the edge, He said.
They said, We are afraid.
Come to the edge, He said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew.

-Guillaume Apollinaire
(c/o "From Panic to Power : Proven Techniques to Calm Your Anxieties, Conquer Your Fears, and Put You in Control of Your Life" by Lucinda Bassett)

"CURLS... all I really want it CURLS. And in the morning it's CURLS. Cuz in the evening it's CURLS." -Calindy and I at drama competition... sing to 'Girls' by Beastie Boys.

"At the heart of every story is a sound - something so deep that it resonates like a pressure in your chest. It is this feeling that the film composer seeks to make heard; not merely to underscore the chases, clinches, climaxes, or to smooth over directorial inadequacies of soft cuts and shaky transitions, but to give voice to an inner life - its soul, if such a thing can be said of film." -Ed Zwick on the 'Legends of the Fall' soundtrack composed by James Horner.

Emmanuel's Poem
To Kirsten
June 1, 2001

See the bunnies in the field
See the fruits in which they yield
See the sparrows in the trees
See their cute, little, knobby knees
See the tortous of the sea
Be free and get over me.

"I think I'm gonna go clubbin' and pick up a man." ~Monique

"Picture Mike Mendes on the Ab Slide." ~Calindy

"Shave that ass, wax yo'self!" ~Monique

Kim Boggs: Before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. I don't think it would be snowing now if he weren't still up there. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
~Edward Scissorhands

King: You will order the finest gold chopsticks.
Anna: Your Majesty, chopsticks?
King: I make mistake, the British not scientific enough to know how to use chopsticks.
~The King & I

5. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
the captain; the first mate; the buccaneer; pregnant
~The bitch test on

"Goodness gracious, golly gee, what the hell is wrong with me?" ~Monique

"A Friend to Share the Day"
By Monique D. Teves
For Kirsten M. Oblinger
April 17, 2001

All the stars in the dark night sky
Could not be a light to me like you
All the clouds in the wonderful heaven
Could not hide my pain like you

A best friend, a flower
Of strength, of power
Lost without you here,
Never far, I keep you near
A friend to share the day

Never in this hum-drum life
Had I felt so loved as by you
Never in my times of strife
Did anyone help as you

A laughter, a companion
Of love, of compassion
Lost without you here
Promise to stay near
A friend to share the hope
A friend to share the pain
A friend who will stay
A friend to share the day