Second Star to the Right...

Freshman Year! 2003 - 04
About Me
The Quotes
Friends' Pictures
Family Pictures
Wonderful Thoughts
You Can Fly!

First year of college at good ol' RWU... here we goooo!

jennerz0917: oh i wanna hear kate flip out
jennerz0917: i envy that you live with her right now lol
Babyhands10: HAHAAH yeah it gets pretty hysterical and intense
jennerz0917: HAHAHA oh yes
Babyhands10: She was jumping around like a dinosaur today
jennerz0917: lmfao
jennerz0917: how does a dinosaur jump around
Babyhands10: On their toes
jennerz0917: oh really
jennerz0917: ive never seen one
Babyhands10: AHAHAHAHAHA
jennerz0917: HAHAHHAHAHAHA
Babyhands10: Unless you were a cavewoman in a past life
jennerz0917: I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kate was on the floor knitting, and she was wearing her hemp anklet*
Me: "Look at the bird on your ankle!!!"
jennerz0917: i feel like i need to smoke my medicinal marijuana
Babyhands10: That's so wrong
jennerz0917: oh but i do
Babyhands10: Are you serious?
jennerz0917: you know i thought you just asked me "are you portuguese"
Babyhands10: WHAAAAAAAAAAT????????????????
jennerz0917: wtf
jennerz0917: im being so random
Babyhands10: NO KIDDING!
jennerz0917: okay so i wasnt being serious
Babyhands10: What?
Babyhands10: About what?
jennerz0917: i joke about medicinal marijuana now
jennerz0917: because i feel like i need it for my life
Babyhands10: Now?
jennerz0917: but i dont really smoke it
Babyhands10: I'm so confused
jennerz0917: its my new joke in life
Babyhands10: Ha...
Babyhands10: I'm still confused..
jennerz0917: for once im not
Babyhands10: That's because you're being so confusing that I can't understand
jennerz0917: i know im being confusing
jennerz0917: im trying not to be
Babyhands10: Noooo and that's the point!
Babyhands10: Hahahahaha
jennerz0917: k so
jennerz0917: i stopped drinking soda
Babyhands10: This conversation is so going in my quote page
jennerz0917: and now i drink water and i eat more
jennerz0917: haha
jennerz0917: i feel like ive smoked pot
Babyhands10: HAHAHAHA
Babyhands10: Wait.. aren't you supposed to not be eating more?
jennerz0917: very true
Babyhands10: Stop that, I'm confused enough
jennerz0917: but since ive stopped drinking soda
jennerz0917: i can
Babyhands10: Ohh I see
jennerz0917: more calories for me to use
jennerz0917: i have my own jenny craig point system going
jennerz0917: except im not figuring anything out
jennerz0917: i feel like putting on my away message
jennerz0917: its friday and im in love
jennerz0917: but its not friday
Babyhands10: HAHAHHAA
jennerz0917: so really no point
jennerz0917: but its in my head
*A bunch of psychology teachers were standing outside the door to the Feinstein building talking and smoking*
Teacher #1: "You should hear what I said to her!"
Teacher #2: "What?!"
Teacher #1: "I said, 'You must be orally fixated to talk to Donna!'"
((Leave it to psych dorks to use terms like orally fixated in a normal conversation...))
Nicole: "Haha I feel like a dorkerella."
Kate: "Yeah, let's get shitfaced!"
Chelsea: "If by shitfaced you mean with pixie sticks then I'm in!"
Chelsea: "Oh that is SO awesome."
Me: "I really just thought to myself, 'Hey!  It's Chels Chels Bo Bels!"
*Folgers "Aromaseal" commercial*
Robyn: (After she sniffs the coffee) "That's kind of gross..."
Me: "Why?"
Robyn: "Well, now no one can drink the coffee because she's had her nose in it!"
Jenn: "I am worried about my dumbness... I am not smoking weed."
Jenn: "So I had a COMPLETE rock out to Hanson today.  Not a little one, but a fest."
Me: "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Jenn: "Oh yes it was so hardcore it was almost like they were there... it was that loud."
*Jenn was telling me about this program she now uses to download songs called Blubster*
Me: "That kind of disturbs me that it's called Blubster."
Jenn: "Well... at least it's not called Condom."
Kate: "What should I write my informative speech on?  Maybe I'll write it on dinosaurs..."
Me: "I have a cukoo clock!"
Kate: *Holds up water bottle* "I wish this would just refill itself... like in the Matrix."
Kate: "What does misconstrewed mean and why does it keep popping up in my head?!"
-=Two excerpts from this radio show here where these two guys just play random music and make fun of it all through the song... so funny=-
"Touch me, I'm on EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Fiesta, like a party, only Mexican!!!!!!"
*Kate was quietly looking through the school cancellation list*
Kate: (quietly, but distressed) "There's no CCD..."
Later, I was reading her the quote and still laughing at it...
Kate: "I don't think I wanted you to hear that..."
*At dinner; Kate's eating pie*
Kate: *After taking a few bites* "What does this taste like??"
*In my 8am critical writing class, someone was talking about a show they watch religiously*
Me: (to Chels) "I don't watch any show religalously."
-=From the road trip to Portland, Maine for the Guster show=-
*Talking about the Blarney stone and how I want to kiss it*
Kate: "Kissing the Blarney stone is like kissing Bob Marchand."
Kate: "Did we just run over that previously run over squirrel?"
*In Ohio, we pass a Hooters*
Robyn: "My friend Peggy Jackandeddy (this is what it sounds like, not attempting proper spelling) in my class who cheers for the Hooters... or the Skooters?"
*No one knows what's going on*
Me: "Who's Peggy, Jack and Eddy?"
Robyn: "NOOOO Kirsten... it's a girl in my class... Peggy Jackandeddy!  She cheers for the Hooters!"
Me: "Robyn, she cheers for the SCHOONERS not the HOOTERS!"
*This goes along with the above quote*
Monique: "That's funny on so many counts.  First of all I love Robyn.  Second of all, the other day Felipe was on the phone with a GIRL and after I was like Felipe was that Steph??? and he's like No, that's Alyssa.... ALYSSA JACKANDEDDY!"
*In philosophy*
D. Kress: "You have to see a CORE tutor or your paper will be cast away into the merciless ocean of apathy."
*Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail*
Chels: "John Cleese is my husband, and by husband I mean father."
*In psychology, talking about the gambling age*
Wendy: "No, Mohegan's 18... we went there."
Dr. Berman: "Did they card you?"
Wendy: "Yeah but we just wanted to pull the thing and leave.  We were there for a concert."
Girl: "Who?"
Wendy: "Maroon 5, Sugar Ray..."
Dr. Berman: "I saw Steely Dan there once!"
*In philosophy*
D. Kress: "What are the consequences of voting for Tennessee Tuxedo for president?  Do you know who that is?"
Some guy in the back row: "Isn't he a boxer?"
D. Kress: "No, he's a cartoon penguin."
*Watching Howie Day DVD*
Me: "He's sweating!"
Chelsea: "He does that A LOT!!!!!!"
*Talking about our movie night*
Chelsea: "That would be beyond perfection... scrumtrilecent even."
*Chelsea wasn't walking on the sidewalk*
Me: *interrupting Kate's telling of a story*  CHELSEA!  Get on the sidewalk, you crackhead!
*Chelsea bursts into laughter, which makes me burst into laughter*
Kate: Kirsten, you need to stop the crack.  You shoot up all the time, and Chelsea, I've seen your track marks.
Me: Why are we even laughing?  IT'S THE CHOCOLATE!  Oh... if I could shoot up chocolate...
*Walking back from dinner... it's silent because we're all indulging in our chocolate soft serve*
Chelsea: "Orange is the new pink."
*Asking about attire for working the registration table at parents/alumni/Homecoming weekend*
John: "Oh, anything nice... you know, don't come wearing a halter or anything... NOT that you're a halter kind of girl...!!!"
*Explaining to Steve about getting my ears pierced*
Me: "You won't understand."
Steve: "Oh I know about big studs!
*At a capella*
Dakota: "Can we have a longer pause?"
Melynda: "Where?"
Dakota: "Oh... I guess not."
*Discussing the Swayze movie*
Me: "Monique, you're the best."
Monique: "Aww, no way!  You're doing the Swayze... it is the core, the very essence of all other girations and bumps."
Me: "Why can't I Swayze with my mouth closed, anyways?"
Monique: "..........."
*Watching TV at the Iwanskis'*
Lady on some animal show: "Coming up next, king kong in your pocket..."
Dan I.: (To Dan S.) "You get that a lot, don't you??"
*Discussing swears with the Dions*
Lisa: "Sex is a bad word, it should be considered a swear!"
Some kid at expression session: "Either I need a bigger guitar or a bigger me."
*Kate turns on TV and Conan O'Brien's voice is heard but you can't see him yet*
Me: "Is that Colon?"
*Down on the second floor*
Meagan: (singing) "...'cause I'm a B-I-M-B."
*At a capella, discussing song titles for a project we were working on*
Girl: "Tiny Dancer!  That's a good song... My friend used to think it was Tony Danza!  She just found out last year it wasn't... she was like, 'Oh, it's Tiny Dancer?  All this time I've thought it was Tony Danza!!!'"
Me: "MY FRIEND TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
((See the Erraticies page for the full effect))
*At work; talking about the asteroid*
Me: "We're gonna DIE in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sara: "No way, it's nothing to worry about... they're just going to send up Bruce Willis to save us all!"
=#! From the summer: !#=
*Talking about Jenn's drunken quote in her profile*
Me: "It doesn't even make sense... I don't even know what it means."
Nicole: "Me either... just reading it makes me feel drunk."