Second Star to the Right...

Junior Year! 2001 - 02
About Me
The Quotes
Friends' Pictures
Family Pictures
Wonderful Thoughts
You Can Fly!

What to say about the "almost there" year?

~JUNIOR YEAR!~ (2001-2002)
*Talking to my dad about driving*
Dad: ...And you need to learn to parallel park...
Me: Why?
Dad: What do you mean, why?
Me: Mom doesn't know how to parallel park!  Why do I need to?
Dad: *slowly turns to look at my mom* You don't... know how to... parallel park??
Mom: Well... I do... I've just never done it.  I've seen people do it... and I know how to technically do it... but I've never actually done it...
*Jen, Nicole and I on Stafford Rd; and a little tractor thing drives across the road and we almost hit it*
Nicole: *screams*  OH MY GOD I JUST SAW STAR WARS!!!!!
*Kate and I driving through the Barnes and Noble parking lot; the car in front of us stops*
Kate: What are you waiting for, your mother to die?!  JUST GO!
Mrs. Souza: *excited* Wanna see the prom gown I'm sewing for my daughter?
Me: My mom made my prom dress, too!
Jenn: I showed my mom your picture and she was like, "Ohhh!  It's so pretty!  Why doesn't Kirsten's mom make your dress?"  And I was like, "Mom, she's not a bloody seamstress!"
Me: *Looking through yearbook* Jenn, who's Rick Lavoie?
Jenn: I dunno... who's Rick Lavoie?  *pause*  Oh wait... that's my uncle.
-=The Following Three Quotes are from the Florida Trip in April!=-
Alison: I'm sweating from pores I didn't even know I had!
Mr. Anderson: Your name is Taves... get over it!  Like Bud Taves.
Mo: Well I dunno about this Bud, but he's no bud of mine!
Amanda: Why isn't this thing (iron) working?!
Jenn: Maybe because it's unplugged.
AL: (to Monique) I think it would be funny if you became a whore.
Mo: I would think it's funny if I see you years from now...
Me: *interrupts* ...with 5 girls draping from you...
Mo: *continues* ...and you say, "Yeah, I never got married, I got 3 kids though."
AL: That would never happen.
Mo: I would never be a whore.
Me: What would I never be?
AL: You'd never become a zoologist.
*I had Getsinger for Chem so I got a pass from Spicer to visit Nicole in Art*
Mr. Getsinger: Where's this pass for?
Me: Art.
Mr. Getsinger: Why?
Me: I have a... project...
Mr. Getsinger: What kind of project?
Me: An... art... project...
Mr. Getsinger: Well I don't have to let you go if I don't want to! 
Me: Yes you do... I have a pass.
Mr. Getsinger: I don't have to do anything I don't want to!  I can do whatever I want!   I could fold this pass into a paper airplane if I wanted!  *starts to folds edges*  SEE?  *gives up*  Eh, just go.  Get out.
Me: What was I just going to ask you?!
AL: If I could sit on your lap?
Me: No...
AL: Well, you can sit on my lap.  Well, not my left knee... and not my right knee... but my weenie!
*Robyn was making A LOT of noise*
Me: Robyn, I'll race you downstairs.  First one down's a good...
Robyn: A good egg?!  *excited*  FIRST ONE DOWNSTAIRS IS A GOOD HORSE!  *runs downstairs*  YAY!! I WIN!!  I'M A GOOD HORSE!!
Me: *bumps into Robyn* Excuse me.  (In all seriousness)
Robyn: Don't laugh at me, Kirsten!
Me: I was even laughing at you!
Mom: Watch out, Robyn... Kirsten has a reputation for laughing at people.
Me: Ugh, how come this page doesn't have the 5 day forecast for Orlando?!?!  They must be on drugs, or something.
Mom: Gosh Kirsten, if things don't go your way, everyone else is taking drugs.
JOE OIL Billboard I find hilarious: Water freezes at 32 degrees.  People, a lot sooner.
Rachel: It's not the size of the wave that matters... it's the motion of the ocean.
A poster on the wall at school: The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little extra.
*At the VMA for the All-State performance... the band was playing... really loud...*
Me: Mom, have you handed in the order form for the CD?
Mom: No, we were rushed in here like lemmings.
Me: What do lemons and being rushed have anything to do with each other?!?!
Mom: Lemming!  Like the animal lemming!
Me: What the hell is an animal lemon?!?! 
*I was singing in a whiney voice*
Monique: Everytime you open your mouth, it just gets better and better!
*Talking about the movie 'Amadeus' and the nickname Wolfie (for Wolfgang)*
Me: I should call Andrew Wolfie because 'Amadeus' is such a good movie.
Monique: Sounds like something someone would have tattooed on their butt!
*At All-State Chorus rehearsal, the conductor Dr. Weston Noble (who is 80 years old), was talking to the sopranos*
Dr. Noble: You have to accent the RE in Regina!  C'mon say, I got my barbie doll!  REgina!
*Blows bubbles at Jenn*
Jenn: (really loud) I didn't think you were gonna blow so hard!
Me: Do you like these sneakers with these shoes?
*Talking about ways to say Monique, because my dad sometimes says "M-ah-nique"*
Mom: What other way is there to say it?   Monique is Monique, you can't say it any other way... just like Christmas tree!
Alexander (heehee I like that better): How come you finished running so fast? 
Me: Because I walked one lap... because I have problems... problems you'd never understand.
Alexander: What's the problem?  PMS got you down?  Yeah, I get PMS too, ya know... just without the mess.
*Nicole leaving Trig class*
Nicole: Okay Mrs. Will I guess I'll fail this quiz later then!
Mrs. Will: Okay Nicole, keep it real.
*On the bus, at 7 in the morning*
Random girl on bus: I don't want to go to school today!
Kelly: I could be on the internet right now!
*Kate yells out window to little boy next door*
Little boy: What?!
Little boy: Etnies?  These are my McDonald's shoes!
KAte: No!  Those aren't from McDonald's, they're Etnies!
Little boy: Those aren't E's, those are M's!  We love to see you smile!!
*Discussing people who have more than one face, per se*
Brian Cincotta: I only have one face.  I took the bus!  I needed a photo ID!
*I collapsed on the kitchen floor laughing at Monique*
*Paying for duck pin bowling*
Jenn: Can I have change for a 5?
Man: How would you like that?
*Monique throws dirty tissue at me*
Monique: I left that tissue in the walkway!
Me: Ew, pick it up!
Monique: I will on the way back.
*Jenn, Monique and I get into car*
Jenn: Look, I'll show you that tissue. Here I'll put my headlights on it. And my blinker too!
*Mom laughing hysterically*
Me: Mom, what are you taking?! What are you injecting?!
Mom: Nothing, but I wish I was 'cause I'd sure pump you full of it!!
Robyn: Kirsten, don't say be quiet... it's not a very nice word.
*Robyn & I talking about our favorite characters in Harry Potter*
Robyn: I just LOVE Harry Potter!
Me: You know who I love Robyn?
Robyn: ::eagerly:: Who?!
Me: Oliver Wood!
Robyn: ::falls on the floor laughing:: No, Kirsten! I'm not all over Wood! I'm all over Harry Potter!!
Me: No, no, silly! His name is O-L-I-V-E-R.
Dad: You know, like olives.
Robyn: Ew dad, don't say olives! That's gross!
Robyn: Kirsten, you have to come help me bring in the grosheries are else you'll be a bad girl.
Stask: You got the right one baay bee! Uh Huh!
Me: You drinking again TIM?
Stask: Kir, its 4 in the flippin' afternoon!
*Mr. Fezette reading detention list*
Mr. F: James Poirier...
Some ugly chick: (To Matt) That's your brother.
Matt: Oh, really? Seriously?
*Talking about Harry Potter*
Me: Harry Potter is the best movie since sliced bread!!!!
*Reading my report*
Me: "My job was lookin' a'ter de corner table whar nothin but de desserts sat..."
Nicole: He wore nothing but dessert salad?!
-=!OlD qUoTe!=-
Rachel: I did a bad job. *Rob signs on* Wow! Rob's actually on!
*Talking at lunch*
Rachel: I wish I was homeschooled. Then I could sleep late and stay in my pajamas all day... I'd probably gain 25 pounds though... Whatever!
Brendon: *walks into the conversation* What? If you got knocked up??
*In Chem, Stacy, Renee, Amy, Ashley and I are all talking and laughing, while Ashley's trying to bite the glue off her nail*
Ashley: I've had these nails on for... *counts* 6 months! 3 more months and I can have a baby!
*I IM TimmyShow*
Me: Yada yada yada.. baseball.. yada yada yada!
*Tim & Pete are on the air over webcast*
Pete: Ooo! I just got an IM from Babyhands10...
Tim: *laughs* Kirsten!
Pete: Yeah, she wants to know what kind of underwear everyone listening is wearing. So IM her at Babyhands10 and let her know!
Tim: I have a question. What are you doing at 5?
a) Jumping off a cliff
b) (*Kirsten's memory is failing her...*)
c) Listening to the Timmy Show
Me: How about, A because of C?
*Jenn's survey*
IF YOU COULD BE ONE GARDENING TOOL WHICH WOULD YOU BE: ummm a rake!! that way people could step on me and i could slap them in the face!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! how hilarious would that be??
*At Monique's par-tay, Jenn & I were eating snacks*
Jenn: Kir! Mix in salsa with the cheese! It tastes SO good!
Me: ...that's... ok... really...
Jenn: C'MON!!! *Sticks the chip in my face* It's like seven layer nachos minus five!!
*At Alex's locker; he's doin' the combination and we're chattin' it up*
Alex: My locker thinks your very attractive. So does Stacy's. They both think your very attractive. Maybe our lockers should meet one day, I'm sure they'd make a perfect couple!
*In Drama, talking about Cole's car*
I forget who: Yeah, it's a hot red color...
Cole: Yeah, I've had FIVE girls in it!
Me: What, your mom, your two sisters, your cousins...
Cole: No! NOT counting family! FIVE girls!
Me: Had much sex in it yet, Cole?
Cole: It's kinda hard to have sex in my car, it's too small. I'd have to like, put down the drivers seat and lie down, like this.. *leans backwards*.. and she'd have to be on top.. *pauses*.. It just wouldn't be a very comfortable way to have sex.
*After school in the auditorium*
Jenn: *finds blocking for "Summer Nights"* This is so... sexual! *pointing at "Got my suit damp" Monique and I just look at each other and laugh...*
*In Gym, I was wearing Mrs. Palmer's jacket*
Alex: *glares at me* Are you really that cold?
Me: Yes!
Alex: *rolls eyes* Oh man...
Me: *pretends to slap him*
Alex: *makes a motion like he's gonna punch me in the stomach* UUUUGH! I just wanna.. MAKE OUT WITH YOU!!!
*Walking next to Dave D*
Me: *pokes Rachel as we pass her.. in high pitched voice* Hiiii Rachelll!
*Rachel looks up, sees Dave, gives him a look, turns away terribly confused*
Me: You seriously thought that was him? That was me!
*Rachel has no words, just laughs so hard she can't breathe*
*In the movie theater discussing "Summer Nights" from Grease*
Me: *singing* He ran by me, got my suit damp...
Rach: I always thought it was "Got me so damp!!"
*Amy and I crack up laughing*
Amy: You have such a dirty mind, Rachel! I thought it was "Got me so damp" too... but not THAT kind of damp!
*Aladdin & I walking out of History*
Aladdin: I was just about to say that it's sad that we don't have any classes together... but then I remembered history! AND GYM!
*At the dinner table*
Robyn: BAM!
Me: What are you, Emerill Lagace?
Mom: Ooo! Like you're *friend* Alex Lagace!
Dad: What does "Lagace" mean, anyways?
Mom: What does "Oblinger" mean?
Dad: It means "Wise and Great One." *cracks up laughing*
Mom: You mean, "Laughs At His Own Lame Jokes One"!
*In French class, DeSous asks a question, then when no one replies correctly, he gives the answer*
DeSous: Je me lave la figure, me leve... Get it?! I said it backwards! "I wash my face, then I get out of bed..." *laughs hysterically; looks around because no one's laughing* You can't take off your face and put it to bed, now can you? *laughs even harder* *I laugh hysterically, too; Steve puts his head on his desk* YES!! LIKE THAT!!
*In Gym, discussing football*
Mr. McKinnon: Bring in clothes because you'll get pretty dirty!
Monique: You really don't get dirty... not as much as golf!
Me: Oh yeah, no more gettin' tripped into mud puddles with a golf club for me!
Renee: What?!
*Monique and I look at each other*
Me: I was tripped in a mud puddle with a golf club last year.
Renee: You were tripped by a golf club?!
Me: Uh.. yeah.
Renee: Like, a club of people for golf? That kind of Golf Club?
*Monique and I laugh hysterically*
Monique: Yeah! Kirsten was jumped by an angry mob of people in the Golf Club!
*In Chem, Amy asks a question after Mr. Drewniak stops talking*
Mr. Drewniak: Amy! Please, calm down. I'm not talking to you!
*While stretching in Gym*
Aladdin: (to me) Is it hard being that good looking?
*Talking about Aladdin*
Dave: Who's Aladdin?
Mo & I: Alex Lagace.
Dave: But he doesn't even look like Aladdin!
Mo & I: That's ok.
Rachel: And then, you know what happened?! You threw up!! *laughs*
*Waiting in line at Savers; fire alarm goes off*
Me: (to Kate) See? It reeks so bad in here the fire alarms went off!!
*Still waiting in the line...*
Gay guy #1: *covers ears* Ohhh myyy Goood! What is UP with that racket?! Geez!
Gay guy #2: Wanna go get a mask!?
*In drama, reading the script. Rita walks over to Rachel*
Rita: Did you just ask for chinese food?
Rachel: *blankly stares at her* ...nooo...
Rita: Oh, because I swear I just heard someone ask, "Does anyone have chinese food?" And I thought it was you and I wanted to let you know I have chinese food.
Rachel: ok....
Rita: So if you want any, feel free to just go get some.
*Still in drama*
Rachel: *reading script* Are all these pages numbered 11? *flips through the script* Ohhh! Each page is different!!
*In Chem, Stacy is holding her slinky and talking about how she wants her yo-yo back*
Amy: *takes slinky* Why do you need it back?
Stacy: Because... I want it?
Amy: But, THIS is a yo-yo.
Stacy: *laughs* No.. THAT'S a slinky.
Amy: OHHHHHH!!!!!! Slinky... yo-yo... same thing...
*Getting ready to get offline to go to bed, talking to Rachel*
Rachel: I'll sleep you tomorrow!!
Mo: Mom, is my canish ready yet?!
(to me) Don't ever buy canishes, they're not that good. They look better than they are.
*Mr. Teves is talking in the background*
Me: Is your dad singing the ABC'S?!
*Monique and I talking on the phone*
Mo: (to her dad) Dad, what is this, and can I eat it?
*Talking to Monique on the phone*
Me: *singing Jay's Rap* Fifteen bucks, little man. Put that shit, in my hand...
Mo: Put that shit in my can?! What?!
*During a game of 'Going Nutz'*
(You have to list things that fit the category)
Tim: Reasons to get pulled over.
Jenn: Cuz he's a bastard!!
*Monique and I walk into the lunch room and look around for a place to sit. We see Aladdin sitting with his friends. We sit on the end of the table...*
Aladdin: (To his friends) And that, my friends, is my caravan.
*Walking on the path from the football field*
Me: So, you gonna come pick me up after school, right?
Aladdin: I can't, I have to play hockey.
Me: No, you don't.
Mo: Hockey is priority!!
Aladdin: Dude, I have to go, I'm on a league.
Me: You are so bullshitting me!
Aladdin: Yeah, you got me...
*Standing behind the line in gym waiting to shake people's hands...oh my. Aladdin takes a couple steps back*
Me: Hey, why you tryin' to stand behind me? You wanna look at my ass?
Aladdin: Is that thing insured?
*Aladdin, Monique and I talking in gym on the bleachers*
Aladdin: I was talking to Chris Bishop for an hour about surfing...
Mo: ...celophane?!
*Talking about "Aladdin"*
Rachel: So what's his REAL name?
Mo & I: Alex Lagace.
Rachel: No, seriously, what's his REAL name?
Mo & I: Alex Lagace!!
Rachel: Seriously?
Mo & I: Yes!
Rachel: Oh!
*Talking to Monique*
Me: (randomly) When I'm in college and I have an away message on when I'm sleeping, it'll say "Sleepsy sleepsy time!" And THEN when Kate leaves the dorm, I'll rearrange her stuff!! *evil laugh*
Me: When someone tells you they love you, don't say ditto, 'cause then you'll die.
Gregory: Oh dear.
Me: What?
Gregory: Why would you die?
Me: Have you ever seen Ghost?
*Sent Monique a song... "Oh Girl" by the Chi-Lites*
Me: You like that song?
Mo: It was aight.
Me: Just aight?!
Mo: Yeah, I wasn't crazy in love with it. Perhaps it will grow on me.
Me: That's all you need... something ELSE growing on you.
Tracey: I'm eating a few pistachio nuts and that one just tasted like butter. Like, ya know when you were little and outta curiosity you'd just eat butter? ..That's what it tasted like.
*Tracey randomly types "HAHAHAHA"*
Tracey: I was looking at the links at and it says "faq" but I thought it said "fag" and I was like what kinda link is that?
Rachel: Every time Mr. Williamson speaks it makes me want to pee in my pants cause it's scary.
*Talking to Gregory in the car*
Me: *yawns* You ever yawn because you're over tired?
Me: My dream car is a VW Cabrio..
Gregory: Mine is a 67 black Corvette.
Me: Even I have a corvette... it's pink... and says Barbie on it.
Rachel: Oh god, I hate the away message that Rob has, "I'm having sex with my pillow"...I always get a mental picture!
Rachel (Babytrudes): Hey, we both have a baby! Well, at least in our screen names!
*I'm Babyhands10, if you've forgotten already*
Rachel: Kirsten, Kirsten... C'mere!!! *pulls me up the stairs at Andy's house* There's a litter box in THE BATH TUB!! *pulls me into the bathroom* Look!! There's a litter box in the bath tub... and look... there's SHIT in it!!!
Me: Beer doesn't smash me.
*Calindy, Kate & I in Kate's room at 3 AM*
Kate: Man, I heard this awesome song on the radio. It had the best line in it, "Even heros have the right to dream." I want to download that song so bad it's soooo awesome.
Me: "I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside a train."
Me: It's "Superman" by Five For Fighting... I have it on my computer!!!
*During mass in the choir loft, the organist (my very good old friend) comes up to me*
Kyle: So, what do you use to download mp3's?
Me: Usually Audiogalaxy, but now I started using KaZaA.
Kyle: Good, good. Becuase I was going to send you an email about KaZaA. My friend told me about it a week ago and it's the greatest thing... you know that song "Must be the money"? Yeah, that's a good tune. *My mom starts eavesdropping* HEY! We're having a private discussion here. *continues* My friend was making fun of me because I was downloading disco. But I'm a disco kinda guy, what can I do?? *Father says the que for the organ music* Ugh, we have to sing again?!
*Prince is on VH1*
Mom: You know he's Prince again, no more The Artist.
Me: So he's Prince, formally known as the the artist formally known as Prince?
*Dad, Mom & I discuss... Later*
VH1: And Mark Wahlburg, formally known as Marky Mark...
*Talking to Nolan on-line... This is Nolan's first quote...!!*
Nolan: One thing before I go, the screen name (Babyhands10), why you pick it?
Me: Nickname... my hands are "soft as a baby's bottom."
Nolan: So do people get horny if they touch your hands because its like touching an ass??
*Talking to Monique on the phone*
Monique: I can hear my daddy snoring already! You wanna hear?... OK! *puts phone up to her dad, loud snoring heard*
Monique: You know what's nuts? I haven't checked my mail since 5 o'clock yesterday...
*Felipe starts a ruckus in the background*
Me: Ok, continue.
Monique: ...that was it...
Me: What's up with that quote on your page about me being hot from working in the garden??
Jenn: LoL it was funny!! It was so random! I'm laughing just thinking about it!
Me: I was laughing because it's not funny!
Tracey: Hey... hug and bug both rhyme... but you would never hug a bug... shrug and bug rhyme too... hmm... can bugs shrug?
*Monique, my mom, Robyn & I in the car*
Me: (Quoting Nicky) "Are we in Pearl Harbor?!"
Mom: Did Calindy say that??
Tracey: I couldn't go to sleep knowing there was an ant crawling in my room. I'd be like "Where'd that ant go?! Where'd that ant go?!"
*My cousins and I gathered in the living room in NC*
Allison: Isn't that your pajama shirt?
Emma: No way! I use this as my pajamas, but it's NOT my pajama shirt.
*Robyn walks into the office where I'm sitting at the computer, hands me a little piece of Bubble Tape gum*
Robyn: Here you go, Kirsten... you deserve it. It's gum! try it! You can blow big bubbles with it. It's SO cool!
*Tracey and I on the highway going to the Galleria*
Tracey: You can't wash your windshield going 75 miles per hour, you have to slow down to 70, and then it works.
*Jamie, Tracey, Rob & I listening to Piano Man in the car*
Jamie: I wish I could play the piano and the harmonica... BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!!
*Talking to Monique on the phone*
Monique: Remember the time after Applebee's when I said "Oh that guy's kinda hot... oh that's Mendes!"? Yeah, that was funny.
*Watching ESPN Classic*
Mom: Where the heck is that? There's no leaves on the trees!
Me: Not only that, but it's in like, the 70's. Notice how at the top of the screen it says "ESPN Classic"!!
*It's 6:30 and I'm getting pretzels out of the closet*
Mom: Kirsten, what are you doing? It's almost dinner time!
Me: But mom, I'm hungry like a motha.
Mom: You have no idea what it's like to be a mother.
Me: Did I say mother? No, I said motha; there's a difference.
*After chorus, Monique, Nikki, Amanda, and I doing random things on stage... go back stage...*
Nikki: *picks up the bass drum harness and puts it on and starts modeling it* Wow!
Mo: It's your own chastity belt!
Nikki: *holds the handles on her... belly and struts across the stage*
Me: That's a very nice chastity belt...
*Standing in line at Gray's, nearby is a group of girls in their twenties eating ice cream*
Girl #1: Oh my God, there's a general store.
Girl #2: What's a general store?
Girl #1: I don't know!
Girl #3: Let's go look!
*They all run over and into Gray's. Shortly they come out*
Girl #2: WOW! I've been in a GENERAL STORE!
*Singing "Yellow" by Coldplay talking to Kate on the phone*
Me:...yeah they were all yellow...
Kate: *cleaning her desk* No, my desk is wood grain, thank you. It might appear yellow if you're color blind, but to the normal eye it's brown.
*At Salas' Restaurant in Newport with my mom, dad, sister, and grandfather... after sitting at the table for 20 minutes*
Papa: How come we got our table so fast?
Dad: Because we got the table without a waitress.
*My mom, Robyn and my dad at Gray's (WITHOUT MEEE!)*
Robyn: I want bumby road!!
*Sitting with my mom on her bed.. I had on my exfoliating masque.. it's clear and shiny..*
Robyn: *walks in the room, takes a double-take, then says* Whoa Kirsten, why are you sweating so much?