Second Star to the Right...

Senior Year! 2002 - 03
About Me
The Quotes
Friends' Pictures
Family Pictures
Wonderful Thoughts
You Can Fly!

Last year of high school... the best for quotes?

~SENIOR YEAR!~ (2002-2003)
*Eating "Apple a la Moo"s at the Cow* 
Jenn: This needs something hard in it besides nuts.
Grandma: What about.. a cone?!
*In the movie theater... Steve couldn't get anything up the straw of his drink*
Steve: What is up with this?  I can't get any suction!
-=I found the following four quotes in my agenda from awhile back=-
Jenn: I can't wear thongs, they make me horny.
Alex: Sometimes I just wanna come to school with no pants on.
Alex: ...when I eat chinese food I get this urge to play with my balls!
Jenn: If I was a penis, I'd make you feel really good right now.
Mr. Forrest: (talking about A Midsummer Night's Dream) This story is all about the love juice.
Jenn: (I forget what Morgan was doing) Morgan, don't do that!  You're gonna hurt yourself!
Morgan: Hey, I ran in gym... I think I'm all set.
*Jenn was sitting on the floor in front of me, so I put my feet on her*
Jenn: Hey!  What do you think you're doing?  They freed the slaves!
*Jenn throws a quarter at Sean*
Jenn: Here's twenty-five cents... ya'ugly!
Sean: *throws it back*  Here's twenty-five cents.... that's worth two rides!!
*I was forging Abe's mom's signature*
Me: "There's only a hump before the a... it's not an r!!
Abe:  "It's okay, everybody needs a little hump before the a."
*Doing nothing in English as usual*
Kristin: "...pissing me off..."
Mr. For: "Don't use that language in my room!"
Jacci: "Why not?!  I talk to my ma like that!"
Mr. For: "Well... I ain't yo' mama!"
*Before the Sociology concert*
Dan: Where's CJ?
Steve: Probably whackin' it!
Dan: Yeah... so I think Andrew's coming tonight...
Steve: Oh yeah?  He's doing it too?
*In Prob + Stats*
Ryan R.: Okay, so we need to find r squared... Hey!  That's me!
*Jenn and I walking down the hallway*
Girl #1: I'm gonna fuck you up!
Girl #2: I'm gonna fuck you up!
Candice: I'm gonna fuck you ALL up!
*"Mr. Smith" throws a paper at Jenn and it lands in her lap (she was wearing a skirt) to get her attention to make her shut up*
Jenn: That's the most action I've gotten in a long time!
Me: I could drown in his eyes.
Jenn: Please don't... we need you for prom and graduation.
*Rachel and I were in the car talking about little animals running in the road*
Me: Yeah, the other night I swear it was roadkill night... 2 cats and a what looked like a koala bear!!!
Rachel: HAHA!! Well, there was this one time I saw a MONSTER run out... but then I realized it was a scarecrow!!!
*In anatomy... Ms. Kenney yells at Kyle every 2 seconds, literally*
Kyle: Why do you hate me so much?!
Kenney: Boy, if that's a form of hatred... let me tell you.
Kyle: Ms. Kenney!  That is a form of hatred!  You ride me like a rented pony!!
*Mr. Arcouette telling his annual prom stories.*
Mr. A: Well.. there's the junior prom story my english teacher used to read from Playboy about Wanda Hickey, but I couldn't do it justice, so I won't tell it... I've tried to find that story for awhile now, but my collection doesn't go back that far..."
*In psychology... answering Mr. Marx's crazy questions*
Jenn: (to me) I was close... William...
*In English, reading A Midsummer's Night Dream*
Deanne: (reading)  "...and by that fire which burned the cartilage queen..." (It's supposed to be CARTHAGE queen)
Mrs. Milot (sub): Haha!  Cartilage wasn't in Shakespeare!  It wasn't even invented yet!!
*Talking about the prom limo*
Dan: It's not one of those airport vans is it????  It's not your van that has "LIMO" spray painted on it, right?
Ms. Bergeron: Remember... anything with tires or testicles is trouble!
*Jenn & Nicole had gone tanning... (I didn't... I sat in the waiting room) but then when Jenn and I got to Jenn's house...*
Grandma: Did you go tanning?
Jenn: Yeah.
Grandma: Well, look at you!  You look like a little African bunny!
Jenn: Look at THESE! (take a guess...)
Grandma: They're like coconuts!!!
*Talking about the Variety Show*
Mr. Arcouette: What else did Shelby do?!
Carlin: You were smoking in every scene... and you had cans of soda.
Mr. A: Cans of soda?!   They're cans, but they aren't soda!!!
Monique: (about markers) The skinnier they are, the more juice they have.
*Talking about some hair salon*
Nicole: Is it in Middletown or Portsmouth?
Me: Yes.
Nicole: (about the statistics "quest") I think I'm gonna get a late 80's, early 90's.
Mr. Marx: In a perfect world, when Staskiewicz walks into school, he'd have babes fawning all over him.
*Looking at old pictures*
Mom: (to my grandfather) You look so young!
Papa: Well, I did start as a baby!
Ms. Nap: (to her class) The more you moan, the more I give.
Jenn's Grandma: Jenn, if you get a dog, guess what you should name it.
Jenn: What?
Jenn: Douche!
Mr. Arcouette: (After stopping us from our SOAPS)  I think I gave you more than 15 minutes... I think it was more like 16 or 17.
Mr. Arcouette: (Explaining SOAPS) The s-s-s-sucking letter... *clears throat* ...The second letter is...
Mr. Arcouette: This is a game... think of that as an anacronism.
Dave: You mean, acronym?!
*Talking about Mr. Tiverton*
Carlin: We'll put you up at intermission.
Mr. Arcouette: Alright, so I'll flex... shake my bum...
*In Disney, at the SpectroMagic parade, Peter Pan ran up to me and shook my hand vigorously*
Auntie Judy: Ooo!  That Peter Pan!  He saw you and he said to himself, 'Oo look, there's my Tinkerbell!'
Dan: You know what's funny?  People say that they're going to retire when they're going to bed.... wouldn't they want to UNtire?  Well... I'm UNtiring to bed.
Me: You'll never guess who I bumped into at the gas station today.
Jenn: Who?
Me: It's an Andrew.
Jenn: Well, with you there is like 20 billion Andrews.
Me: I know, so guess.  *Jenn goes through a bunch of Andrews*  Couture.
*In AP US*
Dave F: (mocking Bush) Anyone who says the word 'Iraq' is an enemy.  Bush is just going to go over and run Iraq.  'It's no bigger than Texas!  I can just put up a Wal-Mart or two... that'll get it up and running!'
*Talking about a picture Robyn drew of me*
Me: Aww... I have curly hair and big feet.
Andrew: Yeah... but you don't have curly hair.
Me: No?  I don't?
Andrew: Well it's not curly like Curly Sue!!
*In psychology, talking about survival in the desert*
Jacci: Is there such a thing as a wild camel?
Mom: Yakety-yak!
Dad: How do you spell 'yak'?  Like 'yakety'?
Mom: Yay...
*At drama*
Jacky: Are you Mrs. Harcourt?  (AKA Mrs. Hardcore)
Monique: Yeah.
Sarah: She's my mom!
Jacky: (To Monique) Do you have birthing hips?
*In english, there was salt on Mr. Forrest's desk... so what does he do?  He sniffs it to see what it was.  So we made fun of him, of course.  But later in the class, there was a piece of paper being passed around the room with ground up Jolly Rancher on it...*
Kate: Mr. Forrest, I'd offer you some, but I'm afraid you'd snort it!!!
*Talking about a dumb chorus song called "Song for the Mira."*
Monique: Stupid Mira, if I ever go there I'm gonna poison their water.
Me: How do you spell fermata?
Monique: Firm.
Me: That looks like a wedding dress... I don't know why she's holding a bouquet though...
Alex L.: Where do you want to go to college?
Me: Clark.
Alex: Aw, yeah?  Where's that?
Me: Worcester... you still going to Florence? (Italy...)
Alex: Nah, I don't think I'm going to college.
Me: Why not?!
Alex: Because you don't need to college to become a blacksmith!!!
::For your information, I had to put this entire conversation here, so bear with it.::
Babyhands10 (9:18:31 PM): i didn't mean to turn you on
ElScorcho459 (9:18:38 PM): hahhahahhahahaahhhhahaha
Babyhands10 (9:18:41 PM): hehehe
ElScorcho459 (9:18:44 PM): i read that so seriously at first
Babyhands10 (9:18:50 PM): HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA
ElScorcho459 (9:19:04 PM): That should be our new phrase for each other
Babyhands10 (9:19:08 PM): HAHAHAH totally
ElScorcho459 (9:19:35 PM):
Babyhands10 (9:19:39 PM): HAHAHHAHA
ElScorcho459 (9:19:41 PM): I wish it wasn't so long
ElScorcho459 (9:19:55 PM): i would make a sn that had it
Babyhands10 (9:19:58 PM): HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
ElScorcho459 (9:20:04 PM): didntmean2trnUon
ElScorcho459 (9:20:15 PM): THAT JUST FITS
Babyhands10 (9:20:19 PM): GET IT!
ElScorcho459 (9:20:27 PM): hahahahaha
ElScorcho459 (9:20:40 PM): but I wouldn't use it, and I would take it away from those that...really would
Babyhands10 (9:20:51 PM): no just get it
Babyhands10 (9:20:55 PM): hahahahhaah
Babyhands10 (9:21:00 PM): who would really use it
ElScorcho459 (9:21:05 PM): you NEVER KNOW
Babyhands10 (9:21:09 PM): try it and see
Babyhands10 (9:21:10 PM): hahah
Babyhands10 (9:21:15 PM): i would pee myself if it was taken
Babyhands10 (9:22:20 PM): i'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm
ElScorcho459 (9:22:22 PM): WTF
Babyhands10 (9:22:24 PM): ??
ElScorcho459 (9:22:27 PM): I JUST ADDDED IT TO MY BL
ElScorcho459 (9:22:29 PM): ITS THERE
Babyhands10 (9:22:35 PM): ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!!!
ElScorcho459 (9:22:39 PM): ADD IT!!!!!!!!!!!
ElScorcho459 (9:23:01 PM):
Babyhands10 (9:23:03 PM): OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Babyhands10 (9:23:17 PM):
Babyhands10 (9:23:23 PM):
Babyhands10 (9:23:52 PM): i'm wanna put this whole convo in my quote page
ElScorcho459 (9:24:06 PM): hahahhaha OMG totally do it
Babyhands10 (9:24:08 PM): ok
Monique (about Judi): She sounds like a freakin' emergency alarm tone!
*Mychal yelling*
Nicole: Shh!  We're in a library!
Mychal: Whatever, it's Christmas!
Monique: He used to chase me around the house with a knife all the time.
Nicole: Is that some crazy Portugese game?!
*Talking about Monique's "fancy"*
Me: Tickle her fancy!  Wait... what's her fancy?
Nicole: WAIT! I'M HAVING DEJA-VOUS! Have we had this conversation before?
*After coming back from the grocery store*
Me: Mom, we had to get 12 hamburger buns instead of 8.
Mom: Why?
Me: That's all they had.
Mom: Are you sure?
Me: Yes, mom... but that's okay because now there's extra luscious plump bums... *everyone laughs*... woops... *takes out a piece of paper and a pen*
Mom: Oh no, not the quote page!
*At the Guster concert*
Ryan: This is going to be our last song, but not really cuz we're just gonna go offstage and if you guys clap and stuff we'll come back.
*Monique and I were waiting to find out if we got into All-State*
"Miss P": Oblinger, Kirsten.
*I fall*
"Miss P": Teves, Monique.
*Talking about the kids in Robyn's class*
Auntie Judy: How many girls?
Mom: Seven.
AJ: And boys?
Mom: Fifteen.
Robyn: We're trying to get rid of some of them because there's too many!
*Reading an article on Orlando Bloom from Lord of the Rings ::swoon::*
Me: OH MY GOD!  We're a match made in heaven.. LOOK!  LOOK!  He's quoting on of his favorite poems by Robert Frost: "STOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING!"  I can't believe it!  Of all the poems!!  (We sang it in chorus last year)  *Stops Monique in the hall and tells her*
Monique: Okay, what's his sign?  I'll check your compatibility!
*Talking about Holden Caulfield in english*
Me: He's critical.
*Jacci writes it on the board, spells it Criticle*
Mr. Forrest: No, no, no... that looks more like CUTICLE!
*Watching Dr. Phil on girls who dress scantily*
Robyn: Geesh!  Just go to Old Navy!
*A song by Frank Sinatra plays on TV*
*I'm holding a can of olives and stuffing my face*
Dad: *points at can* There are some people who don't like these.  *shoves a couple in his mouth*
Me: Oh, I know.
Dad: Sick people.
-=A tad bit old of a quote=-
Me: If he asks a general question, and I know the answer, I'll respond and he'll acknowledge.
Rachel: Oh, a general question like, "What's the capitol of Massachusetts?... BOSTON!"
*Couple weeks ago in chorus*
Ms. B: Man, it's like 25 degrees in here.
Little blonde tenor boy who doesn't sing: No it's not!  It's at least 70 degrees.
Me: *leans forward and yells* It's called an EXAGGERATION.
Ms. B: You know what that means?
Tenor boy: No way!!
*In my basement; Monique and I are on the couch and Cory's on the other side of the table, he opens the Ouija board box and papers from the keyboard fall off and onto the floor, Monique and I scream and hold each other.*
Cory: *after we've talked to the Ouija board for awhile* Lynda, did you make those papers fall? 
Lynda: No.
Cory: Did you think it was funny, though?
Lynda: Yes.
Monique: Do you think Kirsten is strange?
Lynda: Kirsten is cute.
*Later, I'm holding Monique's arm and talking about Lynda sending us a sign*
Monique: Kirsten, hold me!
*More Ouija board action*
Cory: *looks to his right* Lynda, am I looking at you right now?
Lynda: No.
Cory: Are you on the other side?
Lynda: Yes.
Monique: So you've been talking to nothing this whole time!
*Yes, even more Ouija board action*
Cory: So, Lynda... do you think I'm attractive?
Lynda: *oh-so-slowly goes to Yes*
Cory: Yes!  So, you want to go to the movies on Friday?
Lynda: Yes.
Me: Wait 'til all your friends hear.
*Cory and I talking about when I got kicked out of english*
Cory: You know how you got back in?  Because Troy said, "Mr. Forrest, this room doesn't have enough laughter... let Kirsten back in!"
*I decided that I was gonna steal the next two from Jenn's page because they're just that old-school.  Rock on.  Hardcore.  I love you Jenn!*
Me: Mr. DeSousa, how do you say ditto in French?
Mr. DeSousa: Huh? Ditto??
Jenn: Ya know, like if I said I think Kirsten smells and Monique says ditto.
*Monique yells out ditto*
Mr. DeSousa: *looks at me* Ohhhhhh ditto...
Me: Look at Coral, she's pactically naked.
Jenn: *looks* Oh man. *a few minutes later* I feel clostrophobic.
Me: You mean trashtaphobic?
Robyn: Monique!  Are you hungry?  I have a motherload of candy!
*Somehow got on the topic of Mr. Arcouette*
Jacci: Yeah, he's a MACHINE!
Calindy: Or at least that's what his girlfriend said!
*Everyone laughs, but I fell off the chair*
*Going over the vocab*
Mr. Forrest: See?  They both mean kind of the same thing... kill two words with one stone.
*Walking out of senior lounge to class*
Mr. McGuire: Hey Kirsten, what are you doing?
Me: Walking...
Mr. M: Oh, okay!  Well, I'm going to go this way... I have to go throw something out.  Okay?  Okay.  Bye!!
Me: Monique, did you boof?
Monique: NOOO!! *a few minutes later* Well, maybe I did, and I just forgot.
*Talking about Homecoming ballots*
Cory: Nah, no one voted for me.  No one even knows me, they voted for me for Best Thespian!  Everyone thinks it's Cory Combs!   When it's obvious that Cory doesn't comb!!!
*Talking about Eggy... awhile ago*
Jenn: Gimmie that rag!
Me: No!
Jenn: I'll eat it!
Me: Scrambled or fried?
Jenn: Just like it is... RAW!
*In english, discussing a story*
Mr. Forrest: So, basically his body rotted into the bed.
Deanne: FEBREEZE!!!!!
Ms. Bergeron: *sees girl spinning on the floor* She is obviously not aware that crack kills.
*Taking the health quiz*
Jenny: Is a rock a mineral?!
*It's getting too loud in health class...*
Mr. McGuire: Hey!  There's too many chiefs and not enough indians!
*My mom sings the verses of the Responsorial Psalm at my church*
What the line should be: "He surpasses us with His forgiveness..."
What my mom sang: "He surprises us with His forgiveness..."
*Standing around the counter, eating salsa*
Robyn: I like salsa.
Jenn: Really?  Most kids don't like salsa unless they're Mexican!
*In health, talking about weight pills*
Mr. McGuire: It's the super sonic, fat burning pill of America!
*Still in health*
Mr. McGuire: ...And we're going to do some relaxation activities...
Jenny: Ooo yes!  I need that!
Mr. McGuire: I can do a better job.
Alex: So, you have mono, huh?
Me: Yeah.
Alex: Man, if I were the cure to mono, I'd be all over you!
*In the guidance office*
Mr. Marx: Hi Kirsten!
Me: Good, you said Kirsten, not Kristen.  I'm out looking for people who can't say my name!
Mr. Marx: Oh no, I wouldn't do that.  My wife's name is Kristen and my grandfather called her Christian until the day he died.  So you don't have to worry about me mixing up your name, Betty. 
*In psychology*
Jenn: I need a male companion!
Me: What kind of male companion?  A male monkey, a male squirrel...?
Jenn: NO!  A male-man! ((Think of mailman...))
*Talking about who's coming to the 80's Tech*
Me: What about Eddie?  He said he'd go if I did.
Monique: Yeah. And Billy and Michael. So we're all set, then.
Andrew: Oh no!  This chair won't move!  Move chair, move!  C'mon... move!
Andrew: It's 11:11!  Make a wish!
Rachel: Well... according to Mr. Coffee Pot, it's 11:07!!
*At Meaghen's house for yearbook ads*
Ms. Souza: Is the dog right under my wheels?
Jenn M: Nope... he's peeing now... in the flowers!!!